The main part of today was wiring up the Humbucker to the pots to the output jack. has some easy and straight forward schematics on how to wire up any guitar set up.
This is a Potentiometer. It controls the volume. We needed to solder the humbucker to this pot. the pot needed to be grounded. then this pot needed to be soldered to the output jack, which is a couple pictures down.
This is the main wiring that was needed. That white wire is coming from the Humbucker. That metal output jack is where you plug in to get sound.
These two pictures above are of holes that needed to be drilled from the output jack whole to the control cavity to the humbucker cavity. (there was a picture of the super long drill bit I used, but it was mistakenly deleted it on the camera)
We had no extra wire laying around so we just used the extra wire from the humbucker and wired up the output jack to the pot.
Here is the Soldering machine, it looks old but it worked just fine.
This is the finished product of the soldering and wiring job with a Plexiglas plate fabricated by myself out of spare glass that I took from work (with the managers permission.) The cavity was also milled out.
This the guitar being played by Thomas, it is playable but not quite finished. Some lacquer and polish will really make it pop. Some setting up with make it play just fine.
This is the guitars first noises. It was really exciting. We tested if it just could pick up on something. Then we wanted to see if it could pick up on string noise. Then we wanted to see if it could actually play like a real guitar. Hazaaaaaa!